Thursday, December 29, 2016

I missed The Memo on Diplomacy

Wow! Its nearly the end of the year.

Apologies for being MIA for ages. I have two jobs, my full time job and I work for my husband too. So NHS work and my Oga at the top's work when I get home. I don't mean kitchen job or the "other room" o.

I type blog posts during lunch at work but  I don't get the chance to post them.
Oh well, I can only hope next year will be better.

Compliments of the season to you all. Hope you had a good Christmas? Mine wasn't too bad. I was on call and of course I was called into work. "rolls eyes"

I can not believe how quick this year has gone.

Its been one heck of a year, with lots of up and downs. In fact, more downs I think but through it all, God has been faithful.

I thank God for good friends, or good mates should I say?  You never can tell which is which nowadays.

I thank God for good family members and the ones that think they are smarter than you.

I thank God for work colleagues. Jeeez where do I even start from. Those guys (Oyinbos) are mostly hypocrites. As in, they talk about every one, get upset at one person but not brave enough to say it to their face. Yet pretend to be cool with them....."bet why" I really can't deal.

And yes I missed the memo on being diplomatic, I just say it as it is.

I remember saying to one that I didn't come to the Christmas meal cos I can't deal with knowing they are all unhappy with each other yet they want to sit down and act all happy. (I went to the main party for the whole department, I'm not bah- humbug)

What is wrong with trashing things out with one another and moving on from there? But that is apparently asking for too much.

Not just work colleagues o.

I have come to realize that to end up with life long friends, you have to be able to "sugar coat" the truth.

So if you feel your friend is doing something not right, don't just say it to them. Instead beat round the bush small and hope they get the gist and if they don't, just act like nothing happened and move on!

Choo, I am sorry I shall not be able to do that.

I say things as they are. I really really could't give a toss if you don't like it.

Please don't take this wrongly, I am never rude to anyone, or at least I try not to be.

I don't set out to be rude but if you are a mate and i see you doing something wrong, I put it to you nicely.  Times when I can not say anything, I just walk away and withdraw from the person.

I once had an older lady in church embarrass a young lady.

"your dad needs to become grandpa o and I want to come and eat rice too"

In front of other young married ladies as well as single ones.

I didn't care whether she was older or not o #coversface#  ( she was also my HOD)

I went to her like "Auntie but why? The struggle is real o, you don't have to add to it by embarrassing her like that na. Yes you might think you are as good as her mummy ( You know with Nigerians, every church woman likes to play mummy in your life) .
You don't know whether she has just been jilted, whether she is struggling to find a man, whatever the case may be, if you absolutely HAVE to have that kinda conversation with someone, call them to the side and not embarrass them like that.

She took it quite well and went to apologize.

Another supposed friend of mine like to throw in sickies at work, Its not been long since I met this one but she's cool like that. I had to say, its ok to be off sick o but if you actually don't need it, then don't take a piss.

This is because its not RIGHT to have sick time when you don't need it. You can actually do  yourself more harm than good.

If you need to get another job, they will ask for a reference and you will just not get that job. You current manager is expected to be honest and tell them your sickness record, so which sensible employer will give a good job to someone who is always off sick?

Also it might mean you are overlooked for promotions or more training as you won't be a reliable person.

I think she took it well but kinda went quiet afterwards. Safe to say she wasn't a happy bunny


I think I will end up with no friends, if I carry on like this o. If I can't tell you the truth if you are erring, then you are NOT  my friend.

The honest truth is, I really do not mind.

I would like to be told the truth if I am doing something wrong.

Would you do the same? tell a friend if they are doing something wrong? Or just mind  your business and pretend you are cool with the way they are so you can keep them as friends?

So basically lower your standard so you can have friends?

Don't laugh o, but I just noticed that people have friends for different occasions???

Blog post for another day.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Find your Iphone 7 Headphone Jack Here

Did I just read this !

So the iphone 7 just came out right?

Unlike the previous iphones, this  new edition has two speakers but no headphone no port to plug  your ear piece.
so the one below is iphone 7

Apple  said this is to encourage its users to buy and use wireless ear piece $150  (See why I am not a fan? You always have to buy  things)

So for the people that open their phone pack and noticed that the headphone jack was missing, they want to quickly go online and see what people are saying about it.

The video below pops up on how to make a headphone jack for your new phone

The video tells you exactly how to drill your phone and to create your headphone jack

The fact that it involves a drill, won't you just think that is an outright no no? Why on earth will Apple expect its customers to drill their own headphone jacks????????????????

But surprisingly, people actually did this!

How Silly can people be? 

One man said he used the exact 3.5mm drill but no sound is coming? He got a response that he needed to drill deeper! LOL.

Another one said he tried this and ended up with display destruction, that he had committed the biggest mistake in his life.  Duh! 

You buy a £799 phone (256gb) and put a drill through it?  You must be a nutter of the century! You shouldn't even own a phone if you can be stupid enough to do that.

Its like getting a message on your phone with something that looks like a bar code and the message says scratch to reveal your pin code. Straight away won't you know that is a prank? 

These oyinbos sef.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Its Autumn/Fall Already

I can't believe I haven't blogged this year?

I am off work today and after 3pm, after finishing all my chores around the house (most of them)  I decided to get my laptop and see what is going on around the world (call me old school, but its not the same on my phone)

Anyway I have saved a whole lot of stuffs I wanted to post on this blog but never got round to actually posting them!

I can't believe how quick this year has gone, I was too sure I have blogged more than once this year but blogspot clearly says I haven't

So how are you all?

I am fine, been working very very hard....NHS is easy to say the least but God has been faithful.

I came out of work after 8pm the other day and it was dark? I felt like it happened too quickly! One minute there was day light till 9pm and the next its dark at 7!

Officially I heard on the weather news yesterday that its equinox 2016 today! Meaning 12 hours of day and night, unlike before when we had longer days and shorter night. Simply put its Autumn/Fall,  the season between summer and winter.
This season is expected to be between 22nd of September to 20th of December. I can bet you it will feel like proper winter before then.

I always look forward to this season, not because of the cold but the changing colors of the leaves

Have a look at a few  pictures I found online  and decide if they are beautiful or not......

So cheers to autumn, all the best peeps!

See you pretty soon

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Happy New Year

Phew, I can't believe how quickly 2015 went.

Its 2016 now and 10 days are gone already!

God has been faithful!

That is just a statement of fact!

So how have you been?

Any new year resolutions?

I don't have much this year.

I want to read my bible more, not doing well so far.

I bought open heavens for the very first time!

And yes i have been reading it, errm just not today.

I am not putting myself under any pressures this year.

I am taking each day as it comes.

Pastor Sam said no guilt over anything, have a clear mind and a clear conscience and you will be just fine.

I have so much hopes for this new year, I don't know why. I just have this feeling that 2016 is loaded.

As for my goal of reaching out to more people, it has started and God help me to do more.

I want to serve more in my church but I am struggling a bit with time.

The church is very far from me, I mean I have to get on the motor way/express to get to church, in rush hour traffic too.

Now imagine after a hard day at work, going to church for mid week program is the last thing on my mind.

All i want is to eat sleep and do same again next day.

Maybe I need to change my church to somewhere closer to the house?

I can't even make that decision alone.....Ok, that is me just thinking out loud.

I am sure I will soon get clarification.

I hope to do a bit more blogging this year.......
Lets see how that goes.

Happy new year again!

Have a blessed year ahead.

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