Friday, May 8, 2015

David Cameron- British New Prime Minister

I said new because the Conservative party won the UK elections 2015.
This time they did it alone. I mean David Cameron will be prime minister all by himself, no coalition with any other party.

Good on them. I can't help but wonder where the voters came from though. #justsaying

Was listening to the radio this morning  and only one person phoned and was excited about the win.

Makes me wonder  who and who voted? A million dollar question. Lets not go into that.

Some people are saying Cameron's visit to Festival of life worked? Oh Jonathan did the same now? And didn't win, so pleeeeeease, spare me that.
Common guys, If you see the kinda text messages going round in the African community, you won't even think that way. They were listing everything he did wrong and saying clearly DO NOT VOTE for the Conservatives.

Oh well, I am waiting patiently to see how he will perform. To the working class, the disable,  the NHS and a lot more, only time will tell.

Scottish Nation Party though, I mean they cleared the whole of Scotland. I mean 56 seats out of 59 seats, neat win for the SNPs. Nicola Sturgeon is mega pleased.

I am just very surprised. Were they not the ones that voted against Referendum late last year. As in the majority voted to stay in the United Kingdom, not be on their own like the Republic of Ireland.....You get?

Now I am confused. What has changed?

Is this ever going to be United Kingdom again?

Once again, only time will tell.

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