Saturday, September 24, 2016

Find your Iphone 7 Headphone Jack Here

Did I just read this !

So the iphone 7 just came out right?

Unlike the previous iphones, this  new edition has two speakers but no headphone no port to plug  your ear piece.
so the one below is iphone 7

Apple  said this is to encourage its users to buy and use wireless ear piece $150  (See why I am not a fan? You always have to buy  things)

So for the people that open their phone pack and noticed that the headphone jack was missing, they want to quickly go online and see what people are saying about it.

The video below pops up on how to make a headphone jack for your new phone

The video tells you exactly how to drill your phone and to create your headphone jack

The fact that it involves a drill, won't you just think that is an outright no no? Why on earth will Apple expect its customers to drill their own headphone jacks????????????????

But surprisingly, people actually did this!

How Silly can people be? 

One man said he used the exact 3.5mm drill but no sound is coming? He got a response that he needed to drill deeper! LOL.

Another one said he tried this and ended up with display destruction, that he had committed the biggest mistake in his life.  Duh! 

You buy a £799 phone (256gb) and put a drill through it?  You must be a nutter of the century! You shouldn't even own a phone if you can be stupid enough to do that.

Its like getting a message on your phone with something that looks like a bar code and the message says scratch to reveal your pin code. Straight away won't you know that is a prank? 

These oyinbos sef.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Its Autumn/Fall Already

I can't believe I haven't blogged this year?

I am off work today and after 3pm, after finishing all my chores around the house (most of them)  I decided to get my laptop and see what is going on around the world (call me old school, but its not the same on my phone)

Anyway I have saved a whole lot of stuffs I wanted to post on this blog but never got round to actually posting them!

I can't believe how quick this year has gone, I was too sure I have blogged more than once this year but blogspot clearly says I haven't

So how are you all?

I am fine, been working very very hard....NHS is easy to say the least but God has been faithful.

I came out of work after 8pm the other day and it was dark? I felt like it happened too quickly! One minute there was day light till 9pm and the next its dark at 7!

Officially I heard on the weather news yesterday that its equinox 2016 today! Meaning 12 hours of day and night, unlike before when we had longer days and shorter night. Simply put its Autumn/Fall,  the season between summer and winter.
This season is expected to be between 22nd of September to 20th of December. I can bet you it will feel like proper winter before then.

I always look forward to this season, not because of the cold but the changing colors of the leaves

Have a look at a few  pictures I found online  and decide if they are beautiful or not......

So cheers to autumn, all the best peeps!

See you pretty soon

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