Sunday, January 10, 2016

Happy New Year

Phew, I can't believe how quickly 2015 went.

Its 2016 now and 10 days are gone already!

God has been faithful!

That is just a statement of fact!

So how have you been?

Any new year resolutions?

I don't have much this year.

I want to read my bible more, not doing well so far.

I bought open heavens for the very first time!

And yes i have been reading it, errm just not today.

I am not putting myself under any pressures this year.

I am taking each day as it comes.

Pastor Sam said no guilt over anything, have a clear mind and a clear conscience and you will be just fine.

I have so much hopes for this new year, I don't know why. I just have this feeling that 2016 is loaded.

As for my goal of reaching out to more people, it has started and God help me to do more.

I want to serve more in my church but I am struggling a bit with time.

The church is very far from me, I mean I have to get on the motor way/express to get to church, in rush hour traffic too.

Now imagine after a hard day at work, going to church for mid week program is the last thing on my mind.

All i want is to eat sleep and do same again next day.

Maybe I need to change my church to somewhere closer to the house?

I can't even make that decision alone.....Ok, that is me just thinking out loud.

I am sure I will soon get clarification.

I hope to do a bit more blogging this year.......
Lets see how that goes.

Happy new year again!

Have a blessed year ahead.

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